Nice to have you here!

We are personally available for you at every location.

Do you have a specific question, suggestion or individual request? Use our contact form and write a message directly to your desired location.

See the location contacts right here!

This will take you directly to Biedenkopf

mein kleinHOTEL Biedenkopf

Nicole Ann Habich und Peter Neumann
Nikolauskirchstraße 8, 35216 Biedenkopf
Telefonnummer: (+49) 6461 / 92 37 09

getting there

to my kleinHOTEL Biedenkopf


Here directly to my kleinHOTEL Herbstein

mein kleinHOTEL Herbstein

Andrea Kaage
Am Scheerwasser 16, 36358 Herbstein
Telefonnummer: (+49) 6643 / 29 16 382

getting there

to my kleinHOTEL Herbstein


Now to my kleinHOTEL Steinau - Rabenstein

mein kleinHOTEL Steinau-Rabenstein

Familie Silke und Wolfgang Müller
Rabenstein 3, 36396 Steinau – Rabenstein
Telefonnummer: (+49) 6667 / 91 90 33

getting there

to my kleinHOTEL Steinau-Rabenstein
